Thursday 5 December 2013

Roasted Chickpeas

Its the weather again! What's wrong with the rain Gods I wonder, are they confused as to what time of the year it is or have they misplaced their calendars. One day it pours like crazies and it gets cold and the next morning the sun is out in all its majestic glory, scorching everything around, and you wonder if your mind actually made up all the thunder and storm. Whatever the case maybe, its got me stuck with a bad bad cold ...have been sneezing and coughing last two days.

I generally don't take medicines and let my body heal itself, but don't know why, I popped an anti allergic pill. It was definitely not a good idea, that stuff is lethal, it had me walking around the house like a zombie. I was dozing in and out of sleep the whole day.  

 But, the good thing was, after ages, I lazed in bed the whole day with a warm blanket and endless cups of green tea and I watched television. I mean real television with real people, not those crazy cartoons with super powers that make you feel so inadequate.

Surfing channels I came across this show that I think was called 5 ingredients or something similar, the whole idea was to make sumptuous dishes using just 5 ingredients. Brilliant, no? And they made theses amazing, absolutely gorgeous spiced and roasted chickpeas.
They looked so tempting, that they had to be recreated. I have used some dry mango powder and dry mint powder to give it a tangy kick, but just put in any spice combination you like. The options are endless....


Boiled chickpeas or use the canned ones    250 gms
Olive oil                                                    2- 3 Tbsp
Red chilly powder                                      1 tsp
Cumin powder                                           1 tsp
Dry mango powder                                     1 tsp
Dry mint powder                                        1 tsp
Salt, to taste



1. In a mixing bowl add in the oil and all the other spices. Mix well.
2. Tip in the chickpeas and mix gently to coat the masala evenly on the chickpeas.
3. Line a baking tray and spread the chickpeas in a single layer.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 C for 30 mins.

5. Take out in a serving bowl. Serve warm or at room temperature.

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